Handwritten Signature Authenticity Verification System April 2024:

Developed a cutting-edge system for authenticating handwritten signatures, aimed at revolutionizing signature verification processes and bolstering security measures.

Demo Video :

Technical stack Used in the Project -

  • Utilized the renowned CEDAR dataset, encompassing signatures from 55 individuals written in Latin script, comprising 24 genuine and 24 forged signatures per person, totaling 2,640 signature samples.
  • Engineered two distinct PyTorch models:
    • SiasemeNetwork1: Employed Binary Cross Entropy as the loss function, achieving exceptional accuracy rates:
      • Train Acc: 98.59%
      • Val Acc: 98.08%
      • Test Acc: 98.11%
    • SiameseNetwork2: Leveraged Contrastive Loss for enhanced model optimization, with satisfactory accuracy metrics:
      • Train Acc: 65.07%
      • Val Acc: 64.88%
      • Test Acc: 65.00%
  • Seamlessly integrated the models into a Streamlit application, providing an intuitive interface for signature authenticity verification, thus ensuring user-friendly interaction and streamlined deployment.

The Github code is here