LLM-Powered Coupon Recommender November 2023

Developed an innovative Q&A system for e-commerce platforms, specializing in personalized coupon and offer recommendations using OpenAI’s large language models (LLMs).

Demo Video :

Technical stack Used in the Project -

  • Implemented a Streamlit-based user interface designed for seamless interaction, enabling users to query and receive relevant offers instantly. This approach significantly enhanced user experience and engagement on e-commerce sites.
  • Utilized a custom-built dataset, structured in a CSV file, to simulate real-world e-commerce scenarios. This dataset was integral in giving knoweldge based responce by incorporating Langchain.
  • Integrated FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) to optimize the recommendation process. By using vector database technology, the system could swiftly match user queries with the most relevant offers, thereby reducing screen time and streamlining decision-making.

The Github code is here